cat ~/.profile
Developer at Halic University, doing mostly Machine Learnign, Front-End, PHP, and sometimes bash scripting.
Loves going to concerts, playing video games, or listening to music Spotify.
Follow on github @_muhkartal or read the blog at .
ls -l ~/github/projects
Name: Muhammed Ibrahim Kartal
Created: 2011-01-26T19:06:43Z
Description: Halic Universty 4th Software Engineering, AI Enthusiast | Machine Learning Developer Ex Leader Of Google DSC Halic, Leader at PT Project Leader for Teknofest and TÜBİTAK 2209-A competitions,
Experience: Halic University IT AI Researcher 3 Months Halic University IT Software Developer Now
Teknofest HSS
Alaz is computer vision project for accurate tracking of incoming threats purpose of air defense system.